Mechanical · Plumbing · Energy Consulting Engineers

Principal Involvement ¦ Guaranteed Results

Industrial/ Laboratories

General Atomics Bldg-1,3,5& 10, San Diego, CA
Multiple tenant improvement projects with total of 85,000 SF.   Unmanned aircraft “Predator” manufacturing assembly and electronic testing facility. 

ChemDiv, Inc. San Diego, CA
Renovation of over 18,000 SF of two story worldwide headquarter chemistry lab and research center including (4) Chem./ Bio. labs with 12 fume hoods, gas/ haz. material and flammable storage. 

Lpath, Inc. San Diego, CA
Renovation of over 9,000 SF chemistry lab and research center including multiple fume hoods, gas/ haz. material and flammable storage. 

Stratedge, San Diego, CA
Renovation of 15,000 SF electronic manufacturing building including two plating rooms, yellow room, furnace room, and trinco room, dark room and entire 2nd floor office. 

Teradyne, San Diego, CA
Renovation of 160,000 SF electronic manufacturing building with 22,000 SF 2nd floor office. Two10,000-class clean room, plating rooms, dark room, etch rooms and 500 seat kitchen/ cafeteria.